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More Reading

If you desire to learn more about the history of Woodsville High School, or even about the surrounding area, then here are some books and websites that I highly recommend. 

James Hobbs: ​

Mr. Hobbs is the author of countless books and has in his possession endless photos of times-gone-by in theHaverhill area. His website is: . Mr. Hobbs has graciously allowed me to pick his brains and his books for information, so I highly recommend checking his stuff out.

University of New Hampshire Library Databases:

The UNH library databases are where I got a majority of my little facts. I found it extremely helpful to just surf through Haverhill's town reports. They have over one hundred reports logged on their digital collection, spanning as recent as 2009 to as early as 1891. To see their collection of Haverhill town reports, click here. Reports on other towns in New Hampshire are also available on this invaluable site. 

Katharine Blaisdell:

The late Mrs. Blaisdell wrote a book solely on the town of Haverhill and how it evolved during the twentieth century. This 700-plus page novel, which is filled with timeless photos, can be purchased here on Amazon. 

Robert Fillion:

Mr. Fillion has written many books on Haverhill, New Hampshire and the way that it has evolved. 

Dr. John A. Bagonzi:

Although his books are not related to the history of Woodsville High or the surrounding area, it is a wonderful experience to read about the life and legacy of one of Woodsville´s greatest alumni. His books can both be found on Amazon or any other book-ordering site. The Act of Pitching and The Inner Sanctum: Mastering the Art of Pitching

Woodsville High School

The actual website of the school can be found here, or by clicking on the school seal on the home page of this website. The site includes current events around campus, the school's calendar, and many more items of interest. I highly suggest that it is reviewed! 

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